
Showing posts from January, 2011

Things I Love About Today

Watching our male tortoise pace the yard, then stop at random points and turn a different direction with a serious look on his face. . . and then do it over again and again while I laugh and wonder what he is thinking inside that little tortoise head!  Also trying to feed our new female tortoise and NOT having her hiss at me. Making homemade raviolis for the first time--from scratch--with homemade potato-garlic-spinach-chicken filling.  Okay, so the pasta dough turned out less-than-fantastic. . .  The filling was awesome.  And I had fun. Hearing one of my children say thank you, he loves me and--with a hug--tell me that I'm awesome and no one has a better mom than he does. Walking outside to see a garden full of tall and leafy plants that aren't weeds. Talks out on the deck chairs with my handsome husband. A bright moon in a cloudy sky. Rain.  Thunder and lightning. Talks about video games and school and art with my eldest. Music l...