
Showing posts from 2014

When Your Christmas Isn't What You Planned

The sun is coming up on this beautiful day after Christmas, golden rays through cloudy, cold windows.  I have a heater going in the bedroom where I'm typing and a fire in the fireplace downstairs.  Our little Daschund, Jack, refuses to give up his bed yet, even after I put a sweater on him. Christmas didn't go quite as I expected this year.  A bad cold kept me from the Christmas Eve party and Christmas Day dinner that I had planned to attend with loved ones.  It's threatened to keep me from my family's traditional tea party this evening as well.  My sewing projects and reading plans were hindered by runny eyes.  A broken oven sidelined the holiday delights I tried to cook for my husband and children. Not quite as planned. Yet, it has been a beautiful time with my guys, who chose to stay with me instead of going out.  My oldest child filled our stockings and read us the Christmas story from Luke 2.  We opened lovingly-chosen and lovingly-wrap...

Under Construction

My blog is undergoing some maintenance as I give it a fresh new look. . . so please excuse the ugliness and errors as it's in process! Don't forget to sign in for Giveway #5 ( )!  Offer expires soon! Have a great day! Janine

Focus Fridays #2

Chris and Anna Rosati, photo by Tamara Lackey Today's "Focus Fridays" is about giving to others. . . instead of focusing on ourselves.   Check it out in this video below! Do not let what you CANNOT do interfere with what you CAN do.   --Coach John Wooden

Friends and Fragrances: Giveaway #5

About six months ago, I made a new friend.   In some ways, we are very different from each other.  In others (like our affections for funny stories, people who are authentic and decent, cute dogs, shopping, and chocolate) we are very much alike.  She is the kind of friend that sharpens me.  She helps encourage me to be a better person and make my corner of the world brighter.  I find myself laughing more, giving more, reaching out to be more friendly to strangers, and being intentional about compassion.  Oh, and I'm even taking care of myself a little better--from skin care to exercise.   This Thanksgiving, one of the many, many blessings that I am thankful for, is my new friend. So, in honor of her, I want to giveaway something this month that she likes a lot. . . Royal Apothic perfume.   I'm giving a rather generous travel-size version (.33 fluid ounces), in the top-selling scent "Noble Carnation."  The Roy...

Grieving for Israel

Jews praying at the Wailing Wall, circa 1870s, photo by Félix Bonfils in public domain. The news these days is pretty much frustrating for all of us--Democrat or Republican, young or old, rich or poor.  What is, perhaps, the most frustrating for me is the reports coming from Israel. Perhaps, in a different post, I will share some thoughts concerning why I stand with Israel.  For now, I want to address the horrific event that happened there this Tuesday. Two Palestinians entered a Jewish temple in Jerusalem and slaughtered four Orthodox Jews who were silently praying.  Their weapons of choice were axes, knives and a gun.  They then entered a gun battle with police and killed one officer (who was the dad of a four-month old) while he was dragging a female coworker to safety.  They themselves were then killed by police. Several news outlets wrote about the deaths as if the fight had been fair.  President Obama talked of "the majority of Palest...

Focus Fridays

Do you ever just get a little discouraged by the news? I was a journalism student in college.  Free press is very important to me.  Yet, sometimes, the reports can be a little overwhelming and depressing, can't they? I believe we should know the truth and understand the times, INCLUDING the good stuff!  So, for a while, at least, I want to focus in on Fridays and bring you some GOOD news. Sound like a plan? This week, I had intended to show you one story, but I am rerouting to show you another, because it is happening RIGHT NOW! Have you all heard of Operation Christmas Child?  A ministry organization called Samaritan's Purse (which we love!) hosts this huge event where people pack shoeboxes with little gifts and then send them to needy children around the world.  Last year, we teamed up with my mom to bless some girls in the Philippines. There are instructions online, but basically, boxes are packed with toothpaste, toothbrushes, t-shirts...

God is in Nigeria

<![endif]-->Remember those 276 Nigerian girls captured in April by militant Islamists?   Remember how horrified and concerned we were ? Fifty soon escaped, and the BBC is now telling the tale of three. As I read, it brought back some memories of my time in Bolivia. I believe God for my own life.  No matter what I've been through--hard days or sleepless nights--God's hand, guidance and presence has been with me.   I can see that good has grown and blossomed from the dark, stinky--yet rich--soil of my most painful days. It has all made me stronger and I don't resent or resist that.    Yet, there have been times when I doubted God's plan.   Can I just be honest about that?  It was hard to believe Him sometimes, when I saw broken and abused children.   When those Nigerian girls were taken, I felt that too-familiar pang of " Why , God ?"   I prayed for their safe return and protection.  I wondered where God's place was...