
Showing posts from June, 2014

And the winner is. . . .

Joni!  Thanks for entering! Please send me a comment with your address so I can send your wonderful prizes!  (I have returned the comments settings to the previous format of being moderated--so it shouldn't show up on my blog at all, just in my mailbox.) Congratulations and enjoy the treats!  

Giveaway #2!

UPDATE: Due to some issues with the comments, I have temporarily changed the settings.  Your comments should go right through--without moderation or word verification.  So, if you have commented and don't see your comment, please try again until you do see it.  Don't send anything through that you don't want published.  Click on the word "comments" at the end of this article (lower right), type in the form (with your name) and then don't forget to press "publish!"  Thanks. Welcome to my second giveaway!   Thanks for dropping by! Do you know what today is? ( I mean, besides Saturday, June 21st, and "a day the Lord has made?")   It is the first official day of SUMMER! Of course, "summer" started for us several days ago, when school ended.   However, the weather people seem to count the solstice--not the local high school--as the marker.   Go figure. :) So, today summer is truly here! To celebrate, I am giving a...

Of Ribbons and Roses

Well, first things first, right?   The roses.   I don't know if any of you prayed about it, but that splendorous rose I mentioned in my previous post?  It didn't reach half-bloom until the Friday of show week!   It was amazing!  I fully expected it to be over and done by then. So, here's the deal. . . Roses for judging are supposed to be cut when the sugar is highest.  That's in the early evening or early morning hours before the show.   But by early Saturday morning, more than 24 hours before the show, my rose was already two-thirds open.   If it blooms beyond three-quarters, it is disqualified.   So, I drove to the fairgrounds Saturday morning to meet with a rosarian (Yes, that's a real word.). "My rose is already at two-thirds. What do I do?!!?!?"   (Do you sense the panic there?   Can you feel it?) She told me to go ahead and pick it early, and do the regular prep routine for the pageant--I mean, show.   Th...

Giveaway #1!

6/4 UPDATE:  We have a winner!  We drew comment number six, which was MaryJane's!  Congratulations!!!  (I don't think I have your address, MJ.  Please message me on facebook and I will be happy to put the earrings in the mail for you!)  Thanks to all of you who played along! ================= 6/3 UPDATE:  Giveaway closes tomorrow (Wednesday) at 5PM Pacific time zone.  Two things about posting. . . 1) Your comments go into a mailbox before I open them and put them on the blog.  So, even if you don't see your comment right away, it is time-stamped at the time you send it/ it arrives to that mailbox.  I may not get them POSTED by 5PM, but if you SEND them by 5PM, they should be fine.  2) Anyone should be able to send a comment.  If you are not a "registered user," "Google Accounts user," etc., send it under the "anonymous" setting.  PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME WITHIN YOUR COMMENT, though, or it won't count (Because I won...

Of Racing and Roses

Well, I have to get something off my chest.   Years ago, I wrote a small newspaper piece that discussed the dreadful dangers of drag racing.   How terrible for our teens to engage in such risky behavior!   So, is it hypocrisy or maturity that drove me to the same (legal) track with my family to don a helmet and ride along with my husband?   To hold a bouncing iPod and try to video corners like this?  By the way, we had a blast in our closed course, racing against a clock.   So no worries, right?   I mentioned racing for pinks (wink) and one of my sons assured me that registrations are digital now and paper copies must be requested in advance from the DMV.   Ah. . . times, they are a-changin'. From there, I traded in exhaust fumes and helmet hair to something more seemly for a lady. . . .   tending my garden.   A few months ago, a friend enrolled me in a local rose society.   Once a month, she and I take a class in...