This book is misnamed . This short, eight-week study aims to provide a "light," "fun" Bible study option, giving Biblical perspectives on topics important to women. Since I've been asked by girlfriends for a Bible study program without homework, I was excited about this one, marketed right to them. The author organized her book into nice, easy-to-follow sections and I love the pretty, inviting cover. I received the book (ISBN 9781482083910) directly from her, and she even autographed it and wrote a personal note. Tate seems sweet and genuinely concerned for other women. That's one reason this review is so painful to write. I can't recommend her book. I think her title is a misnomer. The No-Homework Women's Bible Study: Group Hug doesn't seem "no-homework" or "Bible Study." True, no chapter analysis is required as homework. However, there are plenty of suggested optional tasks, from organizing to exercise,...