
Showing posts from July, 2015


Want to win a copy of How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible by Keith Ferrin? Leave a comment below sharing a Bible verse that inspires you OR comment with a thought about Bible study and what you hope this book might do for you. I plan to draw a winner after midnight (PST) August 5th. Drawing open to anyone in the USA, except where legal restrictions disallow it. Happy commenting! :)

Review of How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible by Keith Ferrin

I grew up in church and don't remember an age where I wasn't either reading the Bible or having it read to me. So, I'll admit that there was a part of me that wondered about the title of this book. If I don't enjoy reading my Bible (I do, but that's a hypothetical "if") after this many years, how is this little ten-dollar paperback going to make a difference? I underestimated it. Just as the title says, this book contains ten tips (in ten chapters, followed by study guide sections) to enjoy Bible reading. Ferrin looks at the mental, spiritual and physical approach we take to Bible reading and how our routines are often erroneous. By changing our perceptions and habits, our lives can be changed. That sounds a bit exaggerated, I realize, but it's true. How we look at the Bible, how we make time in our schedule for the Bible, how we study the Bible. . . . these are all worth a second look. I don't want to give away too many of his th...

Focus Fridays #29--Free Books for Kids in Need

Such a cool idea. Imagine walking into a church or grocery store and being able to get FREE books from a vending machine. Imagine the happiness! Kudos to JetBlue and Random House for this. JetBlue Stocks Vending Machines with Free Books for Kids in Need

Focus Fridays #28--Happy Anniversary to us. :)

So, here is my good news for today. . . My husband just brought me 22 roses to celebrate 22 years of marriage today! (And my children each brought me a rose as well!) God is good. Enjoy your weekend!

Book Review: The No-Homework Women's Bible Study: Group Hug

This book is misnamed .   This short, eight-week study aims to provide a "light," "fun" Bible study option, giving Biblical perspectives on topics important to women. Since I've been asked by girlfriends for a Bible study program without homework, I was excited about this one, marketed right to them. The author organized her book into nice, easy-to-follow sections and I love the pretty, inviting cover. I received the book (ISBN 9781482083910) directly from her, and she even autographed it and wrote a personal note. Tate seems sweet and genuinely concerned for other women. That's one reason this review is so painful to write. I can't recommend her book. I think her title is a misnomer. The No-Homework Women's Bible Study: Group Hug doesn't seem "no-homework" or "Bible Study." True, no chapter analysis is required as homework. However, there are plenty of suggested optional tasks, from organizing to exercise,...

Focus Fridays #27: People Helping People--Tim McGraw, a crazy arrest warrant and a saved life

Well, I didn't do Focus Fridays these past three weeks. Instead, I was out living life. . . two weddings and a campout! Okay, that wasn't really our group. . . Anyway, I have some heartwarming stories for you to make up for three weeks away from the blog! ;) Enjoy them, and enjoy your Independence Day Weekend! God bless America! From Texas, this horrible, yet wonderful, story. Good wins out over dumb government regulations. . . Check out the video: A 75 Year-Old Woman Was Heading To Jail, Until Three Brothers Saved The Day Tim McGraw's efforts to help US Veterans are so beautiful. Well done, Tim! Click here: And this precious story is about a 6-year old boy who saves his daddy's life. Hooray! Click here: Happy Fourth of July!