A Good Review. . . For the Record
Just after I began reading For The Record , a family member had a medical emergency. So, I tucked the book into my bag on the way to the hospital and brought it with me. Sixteen hours later, I was so glad that it was an enjoyable read! In fact, it was one that I actually would be willing to read again. Jennings' story centers on the relationship between an aspiring local writer and a deputy stranger with a hidden past. There were several things I liked about this tale. First, there were layers of mysteries going on at the same time, but it didn't feel muddy or confusing to the main plot. Since a journalist and a lawman are both the types of people expected to encounter and help mend unusual situations, it was fitting that they were in the middle of several things at once. The story moved along well and was actually quite funny in places. I also enjoyed the way Jennings' use of language seemed true to the historical era. Among her characters, one "smelled like a vat...