
Showing posts from June, 2019

Those Who Mourn

This post is a little heavy today. In just over two years, Tom and I have suffered the losses of about 25 of our loved ones. That's not a typo. Twenty-five.  Today, that is weighing heavy on my heart. One week, we had to choose which funerals to attend...out of six. What do you do with that? Of course, some farewells were even harder than the others, Some losses have changed us for a lifetime. They weren't just pinpricks in the fabric of our routines and memories, but gaping wounds dug deep into who we are. It hurts. A few days ago, I woke up thinking of these members like Uncle Bill, Aunt Chris, Uncle Eddie, Uncle John, Kathy, Raven, Vanette, Richard....and friends like Sally, Julie, Bob, Phil, Beth, Peter F., Lois, India and so many more. My hearts hurts to even begin to name them. However, as I reflected on those who we lost, there was a remarkable, surprise feeling of gratitude for four things in particular. 1. I was so grateful to have know...