
Showing posts from 2020

Focus Friday #39--I love this family's attitude!

 Love this family's attitude. <3 Click here to watch first video  of Aiden and his parents together. Click here for a second video . Please say a prayer for them today! 

Focus Friday #38--Spread a Little Love and Kindness

 Wyatt Jones is a hero this week for nothing more and nothing less than some sacrificial generosity to show a little kindness.  Read all about it  HERE.

Focus Fridays #37--6th Graders Stepping Up in Santa Fe

The Navajo Nation has been hit hard by the Covid19 virus. When some eighth graders nearby in New Mexico had the chance to sacrifice something of their own to help out strangers in need. . .they stepped up in an amazing way. I think this will encourage and bless you today. . . I was going to do a write-up, but  this link  to Good Morning America's piece can fill you in instead. Have a kind day!

Focus Fridays #36--One man, 40 days, 10,000 meals for the elderly

"'A crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things we could not do before.' This phrase has proved absolutely true for me,” said Sasi Kanta Dash, PhD. Image by RonMitra, Pixabay Sasi Kanta Dash is a principal in the country of India. Instead of letting the global pandemic make him feel helpless, he chose to step out and make a difference. Rallying others to help him, he served 250 meals the first day of his venture. . . eventually reaching 10,000 meals total by day 40. (He also picked up prescriptions for people.) With a team of volunteers, reports say he has served groceries to more than 600 families so far, and prepared meals for 250 people in multiple villages. 

Focus Friday #35--Police, Protesters, and Prayer

Our country has been in horrible pain this week.  Yet, in the middle of all of it, some people knew where to turn for help. I am so grateful God is still speaking to those who listen and that, in the middle of chaos, new steps to reconciliation and healing were born.  "If my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.  2 Chronicles 7:14 NASB

So Tired

Some moments in American history have left deep indentations. . . . The signing of our Declaration of Independence from England. The Stock Market Crash. The attack on Pearl Harbor. The Montgomery Bus Boycott. The 1963 March on Washington. The assassinations of JFK, MLK Jr. and Robert Kennedy . . . Some of those events stemmed from now-ended enmities. We are allies with Britain now. We are friends with Japan. However, the deep racism that led to white Americans killing black ones has never gone away. Laws have changed, which is huge and important. Yet, white people still kill black ones and raise their children to do the same. To paraphrase Rosa Parks, I'm tired of it. People keep saying that white silence perpetuates the problem. So let me say it loudly and publicly. Racism is wrong. Did you get that? Racism is wrong. Why does that even need to be said? Yet, in our beautiful, great, amazing country, we still have to teach it and say it. People still believe that t...

Focus Friday #34--Daughter Get a Special Birthday Surprise

Diana Segura Lerma was turning 19 years old and her dad wanted to make sure it was a really special day. Sometimes, parents need to go the extra mile for their kids. . .Diana's dad went about a thousand extra miles! Check out this clip:

Truth in the Time of Covid: 10 Things For Christians To Do During a Crisis

We're each different: Healthy. . . ill. . . working. . . laid off . . .homeschooling . . . relaxing. . . struggling. . . Yet, all of us wait and wonder. We wait to see if the situation we're in will get better or worse, if someone we love will get infected or if we'll keep our jobs. We wonder how this crisis happened, when it will be over, and how it will change us. Now, church buildings are starting to reopen and we have more questions. In a country covering almost 4 million square miles, the reopening plan for a church in one town is not necessarily right for another. We don't know all the answers. Yet, I believe God gives answers to one question that all believers should be considering. How should we live, as Christians, during this pandemic? As we wait and wonder together, here are some suggestions. 10 Things For Christians To Do During a Crisis 1. Remember God has not changed. Don't just remember it, but know it down deep in your bones. God is the...

Focus Friday #33--Boy found in Oklahoma

Little Jesse Young was missing for more than 24 hours, but is now safe and sound. The two-year old had apparently wandered for two miles. Part of a massive search and rescue effort, 16-year old Seth Best was alongside his father yesterday, looking for Jesse, when he heard the toddler crying. Seth and his dad were on horseback, so Seth brought Jesse back that way. The family is grateful for a community of law enforcement and volunteers that worked hard to rescue their son. (Now-viral photo was taken by Seth's father)

Water Cake and the Widow of Zarephath

May 1, 2020 I am enjoying some Water Cake this morning with my tea. Have you ever tried that? It’s an unusual recipe because it doesn’t require any ingredients from the frig like milk, butter or eggs. It’s made with water and ingredients from the pantry, including oil, flour and sugar. It’s a good recipe to have during times like a pandemic or a blackout, when you can’t always get everything you want at the grocery store or keep everything you want in the refrigerator. As I was making it this week, I was thinking about another woman who didn’t have butter, milk or eggs to cook with either. Her story is in the Bible, in 1st Kings 17. She lived at the same time as God’s prophet Elijah, and there was a drought where they were. From the beginning of this drought, God had led Elijah to a place alongside a brook, where he had good, fresh water to drink. God sent birds to him twice a day, carrying meat and bread for him to eat! Can you imagine what that delivery service might have been ...

God Knows What He's Doing

I love these thoughts from Matthew Henry's commentary on Luke 3, regarding the biblical account of Jesus' life and the synoptic gospels. "Nothing is related ( to us in the Bible ) concerning our Lord Jesus from his twelfth year to his entrance on his thirtieth year. We often think it would have been a pleasure and advantage to us if we had journals, or at least annuls, of occurrences concerning him; but we have as much as Infinite Wisdom thought fit to communicate to us, and, if we improve not that, neither should we have improved more if we had had it. The great intention of the evangelists was to give us an account of the gospel of Christ, which we are to believe, and by which we hope for salvation: now that began in the ministry and baptism of John, and therefore they hasten to give us an account of that. We could wish, perhaps, that Luke had wholly passed by what was related by Matthew and Mark, and had written only what was new, as he has done in his two first chapt...