May 1, 2020 I am enjoying some Water Cake this morning with my tea. Have you ever tried that? It’s an unusual recipe because it doesn’t require any ingredients from the frig like milk, butter or eggs. It’s made with water and ingredients from the pantry, including oil, flour and sugar. It’s a good recipe to have during times like a pandemic or a blackout, when you can’t always get everything you want at the grocery store or keep everything you want in the refrigerator. As I was making it this week, I was thinking about another woman who didn’t have butter, milk or eggs to cook with either. Her story is in the Bible, in 1st Kings 17. She lived at the same time as God’s prophet Elijah, and there was a drought where they were. From the beginning of this drought, God had led Elijah to a place alongside a brook, where he had good, fresh water to drink. God sent birds to him twice a day, carrying meat and bread for him to eat! Can you imagine what that delivery service might have been ...