One of my children and I were having a cabin fever kind of day recently, missing the freedom to have big adventures and attend big events. You know what I mean? We had been sheltered-in-place about seven weeks and were missing those moments when someone says, "So, what'd you do this weekend?" . . . and you have something big to say.

In those conversations, we tend to skip over the details like we brushed our teeth or took out the trash. Instead, we would mention the one or two things that seemed like a big deal. A birthday party, or dinner at somewhere fancy.

During the shelter-in-place, we don't get to go to the movies or the mall. No overnight road trips or even trips to the hair salon. It can seem a little depressing. Yet, sometimes, moments of great joy and happiness aren't found in things we think are a big deal; they're found in the little details of our lives.

Today was one of those days for me. I woke up to a good-morning kiss from my husband, as he left for work. Then, I got a message from my Dad and we ended up having a long chat online. I went downstairs and made blueberry pancakes to eat with my sons. While I cooked, my oldest child cut fabric for the 40 children's masks I am sewing for a local pediatrician's office. I laughed at some hilarious jokes--some on TV and some from my children. I got to sew masks for the pediatricians to wear, using a new technique that I had to learn. I had lots of conversations with friends by phone and online. I overheard my oldest son talking to his brother about how blessed and "rich" we are as a family--though the world may not see it that way. I worked in the garden and planted a pot of jalapeno plants. I laughed out loud, playing chase and tug-of-war with my dog who has been craving attention. I was filled with gratitude that although my leg was sore yesterday, it was stronger today. I had a long talk in the kitchen with my oldest--over bacon-and-cheddar Cheez-its and chips with salsa. My younger son took time to express appreciation to my husband and I today. He also bought himself a new guitar today (with his own money) and my husband called in our oldest to join in and play bass. Tom taught them "Stray Cat Strut," and they played it while he sang and then danced me around in the dining room. He brought home groceries, take-out from a Mexican restaurant, ice cream and a pie. I got to sit with my boys--healthy, amazing, kind men--and enjoy their company over dinner.

These are the moments. This is the stuff. Life is beautiful. Sometimes, we just have to sit back and see it.

Enjoy these days, don't squander one minute.


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