
Showing posts from June, 2020

Focus Fridays #37--6th Graders Stepping Up in Santa Fe

The Navajo Nation has been hit hard by the Covid19 virus. When some eighth graders nearby in New Mexico had the chance to sacrifice something of their own to help out strangers in need. . .they stepped up in an amazing way. I think this will encourage and bless you today. . . I was going to do a write-up, but  this link  to Good Morning America's piece can fill you in instead. Have a kind day!

Focus Fridays #36--One man, 40 days, 10,000 meals for the elderly

"'A crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things we could not do before.' This phrase has proved absolutely true for me,” said Sasi Kanta Dash, PhD. Image by RonMitra, Pixabay Sasi Kanta Dash is a principal in the country of India. Instead of letting the global pandemic make him feel helpless, he chose to step out and make a difference. Rallying others to help him, he served 250 meals the first day of his venture. . . eventually reaching 10,000 meals total by day 40. (He also picked up prescriptions for people.) With a team of volunteers, reports say he has served groceries to more than 600 families so far, and prepared meals for 250 people in multiple villages. 

Focus Friday #35--Police, Protesters, and Prayer

Our country has been in horrible pain this week.  Yet, in the middle of all of it, some people knew where to turn for help. I am so grateful God is still speaking to those who listen and that, in the middle of chaos, new steps to reconciliation and healing were born.  "If my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.  2 Chronicles 7:14 NASB